Book survey

I found this survey from this blog post.

Feel free to copy and post on your blog as well!

1. Which book has been on your shelves the longest?
My guess is that it is Six Against the Rock by Clark Howard. It details a group of six prisoners trying to break out of Alcatraz. What’s really odd is that it’s completely not what I would choose to read. For whatever reason as a kid I picked this book up from the library. I’ve read it through many times and ended up picking up the book (the book is out of print).

2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?
Current Read: Man Plus by Frederick Pohl. In a race to get someone to Mars to stop Armageddon, the US government modifies a person almost completely to have electronic parts (skin, eyes, etc).  It won the Nebula Award for best novel.
Last Read: Automated Alice by Jeff Noon. It’s a story of Alice (from Alice in Wonderland) time traveling into future Britain. Decent read. Nothing edgy like Noon’s Vurt, but worth reading.
Book you’ll read next: I’m thinking Divergent by Veronica Roth. I’ve heard that if you liked The Hunger Games (which I did) you’ll like this book.

3. What book did everyone like and you hated?
Everyone? Everyone likes a book, except me? Okay enough of my talk. I’d go with Neuromancer by William Gibson. Like what happens a lot, I didn’t care because of the writer’s writing style. I get a few pages in and couldn’t remember what I had read. Couldn’t figure out what was happening.

4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?
Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings books. I’ve tried a bunch of times, but give up because I’m finding them dull. Still I keep telling myself that I’ll enjoy them, since so many others enjoy it.

5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?”
I’m very confused on this question. Do they mean actual, somewhere around age 65, retirement? Or meaning retiring a book since you’ve read it so much it’s not in good shape? Something else?

6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end?
Wait until the end. I don’t recall ever reading the last page first.

7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?
Interesting aside. So so anyhow. I do like reading them, but don’t always.

8. Which book character would you switch places with?
Choosing from something I’ve read recently, I’ll say Briana (“the breeze”) from Michael Grant’s Gone series. I’d love to have the power of being fast.

9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)?
Definitely. There’s plenty of books that I think of a place, because I remember reading that book in that place. It could be someplace very significant like Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness reminds me of the resort we were at for summer vacation where I read it. It could be a place that isn’t that significant, like I remember the hotel that I was reading The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich by Philip K. Dick.

10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way.
Nothing usual about where I’ve gotten books (I think). Maybe a flea market while on vacation?

11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?
I don’t recall giving away books. I’ve loaned them for sure and sold them, but I don’t think I’ve given one that I owned to someone.

12. Which book has been with you to the most places?
Tough question. Maybe The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein? That’s because it’s one of my favorites and I’ve read it a lot, thus it’s been to more places? It’s also kind of funny because it’s one of my most favorite books….. and I haven’t liked anything by Heinlein since.

13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later?
Definitely nothing in high school I’ve read since.

14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book?
I got some books from the town annual book sale. I brought home three or four of L. Neil Smith’s North American Confederacy series. Mixed in various pages inside them were groceries coupons from the 1980s.

15. Used or brand new?
For the most part used. About the only time I get brand new is for Christmas presents or if I like a particular cover.

16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses?
He’s okay. In my teen years I liked reading him more. I remember liking Cujo and Firestarter to name a couple. In the last few years I tried reading Under the Dome, but didn’t like it because I felt it was ridiculously slow (reading 100 pages and feeling like nothing had happened).

17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book?
Certainly. I really enjoyed the movie of Stardust by Neil Gaiman, but couldn’t get into the book. Same goes for Contact by Carl Sagan. I loved the movie, but found the book to be dull.

18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been made into a movie?
I can’t think of anything, but I’d guess there’s something.

19. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question?

20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?
My cousin. Although it’s not completely correct, at least we have the same tastes (reading SciFi).


It’s been a two and a half weeks that I’ve been on anti-depressents now. It started with 1 tablet, then I moved to 2 tablets after one week. I think they are helping with the sadness/frustration. That is good.

What’s not great is that the pills have affected my sleep. My sleep is a lot lighter and I wake up more often. So I’ve started the routine of getting up out of bed and read for a couple of pages.

I’ve also got the side-effect of having nausea.


I’m sure you could probably guess it from my blog; I so am not a person to keep others from doing things.  I draw the line at people using violence that’s not in self-defense (the zero-aggression principle).

It translates to my parenting as well.  While I certainly could be one of those parents who are restrictive on what their kids do, see, and hear (certainly not a ZAP violation if you’re not physically stopping them), that’s just not me.

I could be one of those parents who were off the walls upset over the movie The Golden Compass because “it’s going to corrupt our kids” and protest theaters carrying it, libraries carrying the books, and stop my child from seeing/reading them, that’s not me.

Likewise I could be the opposite and be very upset about The Left Behind, my child becoming a certain type of Christian, or something to that extent.  Again, not me.

What I hope that sticks is that she takes my stance on nonviolence, that people should be able to run their own lives.

Besides, even if I did such things it’s unlikely to stop my child from becoming an atheist/Christian/whatever.

What I want my child to do is to figure things out for herself.  Think about things.  Question everything, which certainly includes questioning what I’m saying and doing.

Post 200!  *Throws confetti*  Oh wait, maybe it isn’t since I’ve deleted some posts?  Anyhow, whee!

So I’m now in possession of anti-depression pills.  I can’t have alcohol with them.  Crap.  Starting with one pill, moving to two in a week.

I did see a female doctor.  She seemed nice.  Maybe I’ll make her my primary.  We’ll see how the meds go and back to her in three weeks.

I didn’t tell her I’m TG.  See wife and I are going to see about adoption and my wife thought that my telling the doctor it might come out and then we couldn’t adopt.

I swear I can’t stand the baby stuff.  I didn’t tell her about my TG stuff because she was pregnant and didn’t want to stress her out.  Then she was depressed so I didn’t tell her.  Then trying to get pregnant, then was pregnant, then depressed over losing another.

The TG group meets on weekends and we’re busy this month.

Can’t tell the doctor.

Everywhere I’m having to not be me.

Sigh.  Guess I’ll just keep being miserable, maybe even with the meds.

Why Men Are Just (supposedly) Happier People!

It’s funny when I see lists like this I mostly come across and either really not liking the supposed male stance or being indifferent. I found this while going through different links. It’s over at Call Me Meg.

Your last name stays put.

I love my last name. Still it wouldn’t have mattered if I was moving to another interesting last name.

The garage is all yours.

I’m kind of indifferent to the garage. I’m really not into cars (fixing, admiring, etc). Although I do some fixing of things, I’m not a “fixit” person.

Wedding plans take care of themselves.

Back when I got married I like this. Now while planning a wedding would be a lot of work, I would at least somewhat like it (see below about tuxes/gowns).

Chocolate is just another snack.

This is agree with. I like chocolate, but more often than not will opt for another snack.  I like chocolate when it’s with other things (in ice cream, milk, etc) but just a plain Hershey’s chocolate bar isn’t close to being my top choice.

You can be president.

I really don’t like this. As a matter of fact I would say no one should be president. Kind of like no one should rape. No one should murder. No one should steal.

You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park.

Wait, girls can’t wear white T-shirts to water parks? I’m guessing they mean only a white t-shirt? I really want to be able to wear a bikini to a water park and be myself but I really don’t think I look good in a bikini (even not counting curves) and two being at a water park as myself (even in just a one piece) is too terrifying right now.

Car mechanics tell you the truth.

This I can see as definitely something that I would enjoy. Well except I know almost nothing when it comes to cars, so while they may be telling me the truth it may not be something I know of. Maybe I sort-of benefit from this that they don’t try to tell me I need something done when I don’t.

The world is your urinal.

This is definitely something I do enjoy.  It’s nice to be able to just slip into some thick woods and go to the bathroom.  I’m a little creeped out by the wording of this though.

You never have to drive to another gas station because this one’s just too icky.

Mixed feelings on this.  I suppose I’m willing to put up with conditions that are less clean than the average woman, but there’s definitely a line where I’m wanting to go somewhere else.  Besides, just like the previous one, a major reason why women are more likely to say “we need to go somewhere else” is that they can’t just stand to pee, they need to squad or sit down.

Same work, more pay.

I suppose this is nice.  Still, the whole wanting to make more money and be successful is so not me.  I certainly enjoy making what I’m making, over the moon happy for my new job, but as a whole money just makes people more miserable (making money, losing money, etc). 

Wrinkles add character.

I can’t even comprehend this one right now.  I can’t even picture myself getting old.  Then again that’s maybe my TG keeping me from being able to picture myself?

Wedding dress – $5000; tux rental – $100.

While there’s certainly an EGAD! on the price tag, I’m sure whoever wrote this was overshooting (or maybe that’s just what their wife/fiance/girlfriend’s wedding dress cost).  Just a quick check of a very popular local bridal gown store website – who isn’t exactly a discount one (I think), their highest gown is under $2,000 which isn’t even half the price of the one stated in the bullet point.  Also, it’s not like everyone must get a high-priced wedding dress do they?  Some women get to wear their mother’s wedding dress.

This all being said I really enjoy looking at bridal gowns and fantasizing about wearing one and really don’t like the idea of wearing a tux.

People never stare at your chest when you’re talking to them.

Yes, that certainly would be an annoying thing about being a woman.  Not sure about the whole having a male chest though.  I certainly picture myself having a female chest.

The occasional well-rendered belch is practically expected.

And there we get to one.  I really find this really annoying, especially when it’s intentional.

New shoes don’t cut, blister, or mangle your feet.

I guess maybe the writer of this hasn’t bought new shoes ever?  I’ve had plenty of new shoes that have given me blisters.  Then again to have a chance to wear cuter shoes (women’s) I’d be willing to sacrifice some comfort for style.

One mood, ALL the time.

This one is silly on its face.  Women are said to be more emotional, but it’s not like men don’t get frustrated, angry, and other emotions.

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.

I’m in-between on this one.  I’m not one who likes talking on the phone, so I’m sort-of in agreement, but depending on the person I have no problems talking on the phone for a while.

You know stuff about tanks.

I don’t.  Not much anyhow.  And I don’t care to know anything.  I do know that tanks end up murdering innocent people (even when it’s the supposedly “good guys”), so I’m certainly counting this one as being something that’s not a good thing.

A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.

Women can certainly do it.  It depends on the vacation; vacations where you may go out someplace fancy require fancier clothes.  It depends on the women’s style.  A woman who likes wearing dresses will need more packing space (clothes and shoes).  While the whole only one suitcase is nice, I’d gladly sacrifice that for being able to bring along female clothes instead of my men’s ones.

You can open all your own jars.

This really doesn’t matter to me.  It really is why men are (supposedly) happier people?

You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

This is true.  It’s also something I’m trying to work on being better at.

If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.

This seems to be mainly a younger person thing.  Women who have gotten past the high-school and college age are less likely to throw out a friendship over something like that.

Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.

Ew.  Ew.  Ew.  I really dislike the male underwear packs.  It’s giving me a picture of tighty-whities (which maybe have colors) and I’m grossed out.  All my underwear are boxers and the majority are silky ones.  That’s better, but I’d certainly sacrifice price for style here.  Then again, I’m not certain how much more women’s underwear in packs are more appealing.

Everything on your face stays its original colour.

Not sure what they’re saying with this.  Are they talking about women wearing eye shadow and lip stick?  I could see this as being a good thing because makeup takes time and I’m not entirely sure I could keep myself from looking like a clown if I were to try it.  Still makeup is really appealing to me.

Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.

Again, I’m guessing the writer is a college age or younger.  Guess this must not apply to me with my male shoes (actually I don’t have female shoes).  I have one pair of flip-flops, one brown dress shoes, one black dress shoes, one snow boots, one hiking boots. one pair of tennis shoes (a couple more pairs of grungy ones).  I’m probably forgetting ones as well.

You don’t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.

I’m sure there’s plenty of females who don’t.  I’m guessing this is just the writer’s experience.  It’s not like having to stop and think about it saves you hours of time.  Again, this is something that doesn’t matter to me and certainly isn’t something that makes me happy.

You almost never have strap problems in public

I suppose.  I do have lace problems in public, I can never seem to be able to keep my shoes tied.  Having strap problems certainly could be annoying.

You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.

Sounds like a vision problem.  Admittedly I do not iron my clothes.  Still, I’m guessing it may be more that I don’t care for my men’s clothes?  Certainly I can’t see myself wearing a wrinkled dress.

The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.

Again doesn’t seem to apply to me.  I’ve had many hair styles.  I find having the same hair style very boring.

You don’t have to shave below your neck.

Ha!  Certainly doesn’t apply to me.  Wait a second!  “have”?  Who has to?  Women certainly don’t have to.  Many certainly chose to, certainly if they wear dresses, skirts, etc.  I’ve for many years shaved my genital area.  In the last year or so I’ve also started shaving my chest and arm pits.  Just in the last couple of months I’ve shaved my legs a couple of times (talk about time-consuming!).

Your belly usually hides your big hips.

Not appealing to me.  I don’t have a beer belly and am disgusted by the thought of me having one (although maybe I have a slight one?).

One wallet and one pair of shoes, one colour, all seasons.

Wait, weren’t they saying “three pairs of shoes is enough”?  This is saying only one pair of shoes.  Is this only about dress shoes?  I’m very confused by this.  I can say I only have one wallet though.

You can “do” your nails with a pocket-knife.

No.  Ew.  No.  While I do my nails with just a nail clippers (I need to work on doing them better) I never have considered using a pocket-knife.  That just seems wrong.

You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache.

Again, huh?  Why be specific about “moustache”?  Is the writer of this just into mustaches?  Why not just say facial hair?  I’ve done a beard a couple of times.  Generally I like the look (no clue what that means with my whole figuring out the TG thing).  Then again not having to shave to get a clean face would be wonderful; I should do it daily, but don’t.

You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives, on December 24, in 45 minutes.

I’ve done Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve a couple of times, when I was younger.  I like shopping (well, really like shopping if I was able to buy clothes I really want), but generally can’t stand Christmas shopping because I can’t stand crowds and feel like I’m not good at coming up with ideas.  I suppose there’s nothing wrong with shopping on Christmas Eve, but to me it feels really too rushed.  Maybe if you’ve had ideas before Christmas Eve and are just going out to get them, then I could see it being just fine.